Data managementQuickstart
Creating split
Dataset splits allow you to create sub sets of a single large dataset for different use cases or logical grouping. Creating a split can help you manage your datasets more easily and also use these for testing particular prompts or workflows. You can create splits within a dataset, add elements into it and view them side by side under different tabs.
Splits are only views of a single dataset and entries in a split will always also show up under 'All entries' tab.
Creating a new split
You can create splits by the following methods:
Via 'Add split' button
- On an existing dataset, click on the add split button next to the 'All entries' tab above the table.
- You will have the option to choose entries to add to this split. Select relevant entries and click the 'Add entries to split' button at the top
- You can then name this split and add an optional description
Via bulk selection
- Select all entries that your want to add to a split. You can use the filters or search to reach the list of relevant entries and select all using the checkbox in the header.
- Once selected, you will see the 'Add entries to split' button in the table header.
- Clicking on the button will allow to select which split you want to add it to. You can also create a new split from here
- You will now see these entries in the split. Incase of new split creation, you can rename once its created.
Learn about using splits while testing prompts or workflows here