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How toEvaluators

Create custom AI Evaluators

Learn how to create custom AI Evaluators when built-in Evaluators don't meet your specific evaluation needs.

While Maxim offers a comprehensive set of evaluators in the Store, you might need custom evaluators for specific use cases. Create your own AI evaluator by selecting an LLM as the judge and configuring custom evaluation instructions.

Create new Evaluator

Click the create button and select AI to start building your custom evaluator.

Create AI Evaluator

Configure model and parameters

Select the LLM you want to use as the judge and configure model-specific parameters based on your requirements.

Model configuration for custom AI evaluator

Define evaluation logic

Configure how your evaluator should judge the outputs:

  • Requirements: Define evaluation criteria in plain English

    "Check if the text uses punctuation marks correctly to clarify meaning"
  • Evaluation scale: Choose your scoring type

    • Scale: Score from 1 to 5
    • Binary: Yes/No response
  • Grading logic: Define what each score means

    1: Punctuation is consistently incorrect or missing; hampers readability
    2: Frequent punctuation errors; readability is often disrupted
    3: Some punctuation errors; readability is generally maintained
    4: Few punctuation errors; punctuation mostly aids in clarity
    5: Punctuation is correct and enhances clarity; no errors
    You can use variables in Requirements and Grading logic

Evaluation logic configuration

Normalize score (Optional)

Convert your custom evaluator scores from a 1-5 scale to match Maxim's standard 0-1 scale. This helps align your custom evaluator with pre-built evaluators in the Store.

For example, a score of 4 becomes 0.8 after normalization.

Score normalization toggle for AI evaluators

Set pass criteria

Configure two types of pass criteria:

Pass query Define criteria for individual evaluation metrics

Example: Pass if evaluation score > 0.8

Pass evaluator (%) Set threshold for overall evaluation across multiple entries

Example: Pass if 80% of entries meet the evaluation criteria

Pass criteria configuration

Test your Evaluator

Test your Evaluator in the playground before using it in your workflows. The right panel shows input fields for all variables used in your Evaluator.

  1. Fill in sample values for each variable
  2. Click Run to see how your evaluator performs
  3. Iterate and improve your evaluator based on the results

Testing an evaluator in the playground with input fields for variables

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