You can learn more about setting up Slack's webhooks here.
Create a Slack integration
Send alert notifications directly to your Slack channels by creating a Slack integration in Maxim.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following
- A Slack workspace where you have permission to create a webhook.
- The webhook URL for the Slack channel where you want to receive notifications.
Creating the integration in Maxim
Open the Settings page in Maxim.
Click on Integrations in the left sidebar.
Click the Add integration button.
Choose Slack as the integration type.
In the Webhook URL field, paste the webhook URL you copied from Slack.
Give your integration a descriptive name (e.g., "Production Alerts").
Click Save to create the integration.
Using the integration
Select the Slack integration as a notification channel when creating or editing alerts. Maxim sends notifications for triggered alerts to the specified Slack channel via the webhook URL.
Editing or deleting the integration
Edit or delete an integration by hovering over the respective integration on the Integrations page and clicking on the edit/delete icons respectively.