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How toSet up alerts

Setting up alerts for performance metrics

Learn how to set up alerts to monitor your application's performance metrics in Maxim.

Monitor your application's performance by setting up alerts for latency, token usage, and cost metrics. Create custom thresholds and receive notifications when metrics exceed your specified limits.

Available metrics

Set up alerts for:

  • Latency: Response times for API calls
  • Token Usage: Token consumption per request
  • Cost: API usage expenses

Create an alert

Open the Logs page and select your repository

Select the Alerts tab and click Create alert

Configure your alert settings:

  • Select Log metrics as the type of alert
  • Select a metric (Latency, Token Usage, or Cost)
  • Choose an operator (greater than, less than)
  • Enter the threshold value
  • Set minimum occurrence count
  • Define evaluation time range

Select your preferred notification channels (Slack, or PagerDuty)

Click Create alert

Common alert configurations" or "Alert configuration examples

Monitor response time

Metric: Latency
Operator: greater than
Threshold: 1000 ms
Minimum occurrences: 5
Time range: 5 minutes

Triggers when response time exceeds 1 second in 5 requests within 5 minutes.

Setting up token consumption alerts

Metric: Token Usage
Operator: greater than
Threshold: 1000000
Minimum occurrences: 1
Time range: 1 hour

Triggers when hourly token usage exceeds 1 million.

Monitor daily costs

Metric: Cost
Operator: greater than
Threshold: 100 USD
Minimum occurrences: 1
Time range: 24 hours

Triggers when daily costs exceed $100.

Manage alerts

  • Edit: Click the options menu (three dots) > Edit alert
  • Delete: Click the options menu > Delete alert
  • Pause/Resume: Click the options menu > Pause alert or Resume alert

Best practices

  1. Begin with conservative thresholds to avoid alert fatigue
  2. Match time ranges to your application's usage patterns
  3. Use multiple occurrence thresholds for latency alerts to prevent false alarms
  4. Create layered alerts with different thresholds for comprehensive monitoring

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