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How toSet up alerts

Set up alerts for quality metrics

Learn how to set up alerts to monitor evaluation scores and quality checks in Maxim.

Monitor your AI application's quality with alerts for evaluation scores and quality checks. Receive notifications when AI responses don't meet expected quality standards.

Choose evaluation metrics for alerts

Set up alerts for various evaluation scores, such as:

  • Bias-check: Monitor potential biases in AI responses
  • Toxicity: Check for inappropriate or harmful content
  • Clarity: Validate clear and understandable output
  • Factual accuracy: Verify generated information accuracy
  • Custom evaluators: Monitor your defined evaluation metrics

Create a quality alert

Open the Logs page and select the repository you want to monitor.

Select the Alerts tab and click Create alert

Select Evaluation scores as the type of alert.

Configure alert settings:

  • Choose an evaluation metric (e.g., "Bias-check")
  • The violation criteria is based on your evaluator's type and configuration.
  • Specify how many times this should occur
  • Set the evaluation time range

Select the notification channels where you want to receive alerts.

Click Create alert to save your configuration.

Example configurations

Bias check alert

Metric: Bias-check
Minimum occurrences: 1
Time range: 15 minutes

Triggers when a response fails the bias check within 15 minutes.

Toxicity alert

Metric: Toxicity
Condition: violates pass criteria
Score: 0.8
Minimum occurrences: 1
Time range: 5 minutes

Triggers when a response reaches 0.8 or higher toxicity score.

Manage quality alerts

Manage your quality alerts in the following ways:

  • Edit an alert: Click the options icon (three dots) on the alert card and select "Edit alert"
  • Delete an alert: Click the options icon and select "Delete alert"
  • Pause/Resume an alert: Click the options icon and select "Pause alert" or "Resume alert"

Follow these best practices

  1. Monitor critical evaluators with immediate alerts for bias and toxicity
  2. Adjust score thresholds to match application requirements
  3. Combine evaluation metrics for comprehensive monitoring
  4. Review and adjust alert criteria based on performance
  5. Document quality issues and solutions from alerts

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