Data management


Integrating SDK into your code

addDatasetEntries function will respond with the id of the row inserted into the dataset. You can add a Dataset directly from the Maxim dashboard.

First capture dataset id

There are multiple ways to capture dataset id. You can use Maxim dashboard to get dataset id.

  1. Right click/click on three dots on the dataset you want to get id for.
  2. Select Copy ID option.
  3. The dataset id will get copied to your clipboard
const addDatasetEntries = await maxim.addDatasetEntries("dataset-id", [
		input: {
			type: "text",
			payload: "your content here",
		expectedOutput: {
			type: "text",
			payload: "your content here",
		context: {
			type: "text",
			payload: "your content here",
You can insert a maximum of 100 entries at a time to your dataset.

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