
Getting started

Before you start logging you will have to create a LogRepository on the Maxim dashboard. To create a log repository,click on Logs and the click on + icon on the sidebar. You can use the ID of that repository to push logs.

Tracing one shot logs

Initializing Maxim Go SDK
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
trace := logger.Trace(&logging.TraceConfig{
    Id: "trace-id", 
    Name: "trace-name", 
    Tags: map[string]string{"key": "value"}

Tracing multi-turn logs

Creating a Session
session := logger.Session(&logging.SessionConfig{
    Id: "session-id", 
    Name: "session-name", 
    Tags: map[string]string{"key": "value"}

Once session object is created, you can add multiple traces across the lifecycle of the conversation.

Create a Session and add a Trace to it
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
session := logger.Session(&logging.SessionConfig{Id: "session-id"})
trace:= session.Trace(&logging.TraceConfig{Id: "trace-id"})

Using custom ids for Traces/Sessions

Using custom ids allows you to fetch a trace in any function using the same id. This can be useful in updating trace across your workflow.


Using custom ids for Traces
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
// ... in function 1
trace := logger.Trace(&logging.TraceConfig{Id: "trace-id"})
// ... in function 2
trace := logger.Trace(&logging.TraceConfig{Id: "trace-id"})
// it returns the same trace object
trace.AddTag("key", "value")


Using custom ids for Sessions
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
// ... in function 1
session := logger.Session(&logging.SessionConfig{Id: "session-id"})
// ... in function 2
session := logger.Session(&logging.SessionConfig{Id: "session-id"})
// it returns the same session object
session.AddTag("key", "value")

Elements of Traces

Once you have a trace object, you can add


A Span (short for timespan), groups a bunch of items (Events, Retrieval, Generation, Feedback).

Adding a span to a Trace
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
span := trace.AddSpan(&logging.SpanConfig{
    Id: "span-id", 
    Name: "name", 
    Tags: map[string]string{"key": "value"}
span.AddEvent("event-id","event-name", map[string]string{"tag-key": "tag-values"})


An Event is a point in time when something happened in the system.

Adding an Event to a Trace
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
trace.AddEvent("event-id", "event name", map[string]string{"key": "value"})


A Retrieval is a special type of Span in Maxim, which represents a retrieval query to a knowledge base or vector database.

Adding a Retrieval to a Trace
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
retrieval := span.AddRetrieval(&logging.RetrievalConfig{
    Id: "retrieval-id", 
    Name: "name", 
    Metadata: map[string]string{"key": "value"}
retrieval.SetInput("How many PTO days do I have?")
retrieval.SetOutput([]string{"doc1", "doc2"})


A Generation is a special type of Span in Maxim, which represents a call to an LLM.

generation.result expects result to be in OpenAI response format. Here is the reference to the OpenAI response format

Adding a Generation to a Trace
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
generation := span.AddGeneration(&logging.GenerationConfig{
	Id: "generation-id",
	Name: "name",
	Provider: "openai",
	Model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k",
	ModelParameters: map[string]interface{}{"temperature": 3},
	Messages: []logging.CompletionRequest{
			Role:    "system",
			Content: "You are a helpful assistant",
			Role:    "user",
			Content: "Do this and that",
// This shows TextCompletionExample
	Id: "cmpl-uN1k3lnZkTlZg8GHt4Vtd1aB",
	Object: "text_completion",
	Created: 1718393286,
	Model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k",
	Choices: []logging.Choice{
			Index:        0,
			Text:         "\n Here is the response\n",
			Logprobs:     nil,
			FinishReason: "stop",
	Usage: &logging.Usage{
		PromptTokens:     7,
		CompletionTokens: 105,
		TotalTokens:      112,


A Feedback is a special type of Event in Maxim, which is a point in time when feedback was given in the system.

Adding a Feedback to a Trace
import "github.com/maximhq/maxim-go/logging"
	Score:   0.5,
	Comment: StrPtr("string feedback"),

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