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Upgrading to v3

Changes in the Maxim SDK

Maxim SDK Initialization changes

  • apiKey is now api_key in Config
  • baseUrl is now base_url in Config
apiKey is now api_key in Config
from maxim import Maxim,Config
maxim = Maxim(Config(api_key="maxim-api-key"))

Import changes

We have pulled out most commonly used imports at the relevant places.

  1. from maxim.logger import Logger, LoggerConfig instead of from maxim.logger.logger import Logger, LoggerConfig
  2. from maxim import Maxim, Config instead of from maxim.maxim import Maxim, Config
  3. from maxim.logger import Trace, TraceConfig instead of from maxim.logger.trace import Trace, TraceConfig

Old imports will still work.

Prompt management changes

  1. getPrompt is now get_prompt
  2. getPromptChain is now get_prompt_chain
  3. getPrompts is now get_prompts
  4. getPromptChains is now get_prompt_chains
  5. getFolder is now get_folder
  6. getFolders is now get_folders

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