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How toEvaluate Workflows via API

Test your AI application using an API endpoint

Expose your AI application to Maxim using your existing API endpoint

Create a Workflow for a public endpoint

Connect your application's API endpoint to Maxim. Enter your API URL and add any necessary headers and parameters.

Configure the payload for your API request. Include all data your backend needs to process requests. When running tests, attach a dataset to your workflow.

Reference column values from your dataset using {{column_name}} variables. These resolve during test runtime. Use variables in headers and parameters for flexible workflow configuration.

See it in action:

Test your Workflow

Send messages to your API from the Messages panel to test your endpoint with a conversational experience. See this demonstrated at the end of the video above.

Map the output for evaluation

Before running tests, tell us what part of your response to evaluate by mapping an output from the response payload.

Click the Test button in the top right corner to open the Test run configuration panel. Select your Output from the dropdown of mappable response fields. View the full response payload by clicking Show response. Optionally, map the Context to Evaluate field using the Context field selector.

See how to map outputs for evaluation:


  • The Test button remains disabled until you send messages to your endpoint. The system requires a response payload structure for output mapping.
  • When mapping without triggering a test run, save your workflow explicitly. Map in the configuration sheet, click outside to close it, then click Save workflow

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